Hood River is a Great Family Destination
Traveling is one of the best things you can do in life. It gets you out of your comfort zone and helps you see the world from a different point of view. That’s one of the reasons why traveling is such a great thing to do with kids. And Hood River is a great destination for parents and children alike. Of course, when you travel with your family, you want to make sure everyone involved in the trip will actually have a good time while away.
Here are some tips for traveling with kids to Hood River!

Hood River offers attractions for everyone. From Hood River Waterfront Park to family-friendly restaurants to u-pick farms, there’s something for everyone here, no matter where your interests lie. You’ll love the laid-back vibe and welcoming feel of Hood River, too.

Hood River is scenic. No matter what the season Hood River is beautiful. The Mt Hood Railway is a great way to see it, especially with kids. Enjoy the Fruit Loop in the Summer, with the scenic valley in the Columbia River Gorge near the base of Mt. Hood in Oregon. And the Christmas train captures the spirit of the season with its warmth and charm. Kids and adults all love it! Check out www.mthoodrr.com for trips and tickets.
Hood River is educational. Many attractions in the Hood River area are greatly educational. When you visit Hood River, you can stop by the Hood River History Museum, take a drive to the Gorge Discovery Center, take a class at the Columbia Center for the Arts, and much more. The options are limitless. And, hiking in the Columbia River Gorge is an educational adventure all on its own. Stop to identify wildflowers, talk about the geology, or draw in a nature journal.

Hood River is a place for adventure. The wide range of hikes, treks, and walks you can do in the Hood River area make it an ideal destination for curious kids of all ages. Take a skiing lesson in the winter, a windsurfing lesson in the summer, or join family sailing night at the Hood River marina. Take a glider ride or cruise the Columbia on the Sternwheeler.
Insider’s Tip: Check out the book Kidding Around the Gorge, which is written by local adventure mom, Lisa Kosglow.